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Vacaville Unified School District

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    The Muzetta Thrower Adult Education Center is offered by the Vacaville Unified School District to serve the community. All of our classes and programs are State and Board approved. We are proud to offer student centered continuing education to a population diverse in age, economic status, education, language and ethnicity.

    Our Mission

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    Upcoming Enrollment 
    For Fall 2024 Registration Interest and Test Signup click the button below.
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    The Muzetta Thrower Adult Education Center currently offers CTE opportunities in the Paraeducator/Instructional Assistant
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    The Muzetta Thrower Adult Education Center emphasizes quality and service to the customer. Our fee classes are priced as low as possible to meet operation costs. Our academic classes meet state standards and our Career/Technical programs prepare individuals for success in an ever changing job market. Classrooms have the latest equipment and learning materials. Our excellent instructors are credentialed and/or specialists in their field.


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